Terms & Conditions


This agreement is executed between abc and (hereinafter called the party of first part)    


 Between XYZ which will do agreement with abc  (hereinafter called the party of second part)

Where  as the party of first part has agreed to sell the Dona to party of second part on the following terms and conditions:-. FOR 11 MONTH FROM EXECUTED DATE.

  1. That party of 1st part has agreed to purchase the production of Dona manufactured by  2nd     party at Ludhiana.
  2. Dona should be got checked by party of 1st part from party of 2nd part at Ludhiana at the premises of party of 1st part.
  3. Dona should be in proper working condition with a-one material finishing and tight cap and packed in a govt. standard polythene bags.
  4. Party of 1st part has all rights to check the each Dona before taking its delivery from the party of 2nd part.
  5. that If the Dona manufactured by 2nd party is not acc. to above said specifications and terms and conditions, then party of 1st part has right to reject the taking of delivery Dona from party of 2nd part and in that case party of 2nd part shall have no right to claim anything from party of 1st part nor they can take any legal action against the party of 1st part. Party of 1st part also reserves its right to cancel the taking of delivery of Dona from party of 2nd part in any condition or in case of any unspecified reason.
  6. That party of 1st part purchase Dona 180 per 1000/- piece to party of 2nd part depending on quality of Dona and rate may vary in case of sub standard material.
  7. That party of 2nd part shall sold the entire production of Dona manufactured by them to the party of 1st part only and not to any other person, and in case party of 1st part finds that party of 2nd part is selling the Dona to any other person except to party of 1st part then entire loss suffered by party of 1st part shall be recovered from party of 2nd part.
  8. That in case any dispute arises between the parties, the matter shall be firstly settled with the arbitrator appointed by party of 1st part at Ludhiana and thereafter in case of dispute still pending then only Ludhiana court shall have the jurisdiction to decide the matter.
  9. That present agreement shall be valid only for 11 months.
  10. That if the 2nd party does not deals with the 1st party upto two months then party of 1st part can cancel / terminate the agreement with party of 2nd part without giving any prior notice and the same cannot be challenged later on.
  11. That the goods /plant once sold will not be return back
  12. If party of second part do not supply material to party of first part than   party of first part is liable to charge compulsesion from the party of second part to the due of rupees’ 50000/-Rs.
  13. Second party can not take any legal action against first party. Second party has no right.

 Thanks for Reading.
